Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Fresh Start

   "And now let us welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never been."  - Rainer Maria Rilke

Another January. A clean canvas. A year of endless possibilities. Tired of the same old resolutions? Why not try a new approach. First, clearly define what you want or desire to manifest in your life. Imagine these longings as seeds. Create an intention or positive statement that includes your wish. It has been said that "where the intention goes, the energy flows". Ask for what you want. Be specific and use positive language.
     Second,  begin creating space in your life for the seeds of your desires to be planted. It is difficult to move into this new year cycle without putting some closure on the past year. Reflect on anything that is still unfinished and needs completion. How can we invite anything new in if there is no room? Physically, create some sacred space in your home that allows time to pause, dream & nurture your desires. Seeds can not grow without tilling the soil first, nourishment and space. Carve out time in your day for stillness and non doing even if it is just 5 minutes.
     Thirdly, connect with like minded folks who can support you in your efforts. Research shows that it takes 21 days of doing a desired behavior for the brain to wrap itself around the idea. Yoga Journal Magazine is offering a 21 Day Yoga Challenge to jump start this process. You can join simply by going to and signing up. You will receive daily support, yoga suggestions and can share your experiences with others. There are many daily supports available now via phone applications or email such as The Daily Om. Start seeking and find your own way to what it is you truly want!

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