Monday, October 24, 2011

Falling Into Autumn - a GAEA Excursion

Sunday morning started out foggy & chilly but this determined group of women took off down the C & O Canal towpath anyway from Brunswick and headed for Harpers Ferry.  Before starting out we took a moment to align with the earth and her autumn rhythms & warmed up with some gentle stretching & yoga. The sun quickly began to burn through the mist & by the time we arrived at the clearing above along the Potomac River scenic views began to appear. Sixty degree temps greeted us after we had traveled the 5.5 miles to our destination. After a brief tour of town we headed back to Brunswick where a yummy brunch awaited us.

GAEA Excursions was created to provide opportunities for women to get outside, realign with nature's rhythms, bond with other women and do something pleasurable; all activities that boost feel good hormones and reduce stress. This is an organic program that is constantly evolving & producing new adventures as the seasons unfold. Get your 'wild girl self' on & go to  for the latest events!

Monday, July 25, 2011

In The Flow

Recently, my schedule allowed a week long yoga retreat at Kripalu in Lenox, Massachusetts. Kripalu is one of the largest yoga retreat centers in the U.S. and a lovely place to slow down and unwind. My program was an immersion with Shiva Rea that included meditation, ayruveda for summer, fluid power yoga, kalari martial arts, trance dance & time in nature. Learning to flow without constraints around time was a main focus of the week. Kripalu is an Oasis for many.  No need to worry about meals as they are all prepared with love and abundance.  Took a few days to recover from the long ride (7 hrs from Frederick) and needed to pull back and rest more before my energy returned.

First night, lights out by 10 pm. The next night was 4th of July. Disappointed when the much acclaimed fireworks from nearby Tanglewood did not appear. However, when returning to my room that evening some loud noises out side my bedroom window caught my attention. And there they were, beautiful & spectacular fireworks right from my bedroom window!  Splendid weather appeared the next day as well so  a bike ride through local Lennox was a must.  The beautiful New England mansions were so enthralling, I did not see the pot hole. Still too far to walk, kept riding while the air slowly leaked out of my back tire, feeling the sensation of wheel to pavement without the cushion of a tire tube.  Fortunately,  a local gardener  heard the loud noise my flat tire was making. She insisted on hoisting my bike to the roof of her van and taking me the remaining 2 miles back to Kripalu.

The next day was again gorgeous. The evening agenda called for a fire pit ceremony creating a sense of anticipation for many of us. However, shortly after dinner the wind picked up and a  thunderstorm rolled in forcing the fire event to be cancelled. Some of us stood outside to watch the clouds blow over,  witnessing a beautiful summer storm.  All let out exclamations of joy when a double rainbow appeared! The next day was very slow with built in time to to spend some alone time in nature.  A grassy place off the beaten path caught my eye to throw out my yoga mat and lie under a tree. After all the yoga & meditation during the week a sense of sifting was happening within me, unnecessary gunk dissolving and finally washing through me into the earth as I lay there quiet & still.

Lessons from the week included an awareness of what happens when one learns to wait or stay. Something will always shift.  Trust in this process. Even when life brings disappointment something else is just around the corner even if  the exact timing is unknown. Learning to stay or shift one's attitude will carry us through. Returning to the seasonal flows can help as well. Summer seems like a more active time but it is really when we need to rest or slow down more especially during the hotter times of day. Learning to pay attention to our own energy levels is crucial to preventing burn out, fatigue & malaise. So as the "dog days of summer" approach, pay attention to your energy levels, create space for rest and stillness, play or move but in the cooler times of the day,  find joy in summer's simple pleasures and flow at a slower pace.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Gaea Excurions

     Gaea Excursions, nature based activities for women, was launched this week when a group of women joined me to kayak down the Shenandoah River on a summer afternoon. The concept of Gaea Excursions was born years ago as a way to create opportunities for women to experience the healing aspects of nature, bond with other women and participate in a pleasurable activity. As a psychotherapist, I see on a regular basis the disconnect many of us feel as we move through our busy lives, overscheduling & overworking ourselves until we are just existing, burned out, burned up, burnt to a crisp. Being in nature instantly brings one into sacred space, slows the pace of life & allows the body to relax & renew itself. 

     These outings also provide women opportunities to focus on themselves more and the needs of others less and engage in activities that they may never try on their own. Gathering in a group returns us to our tribal nature where we all evolved from & getting us out of the sense of isolation many may feel. Many long for this sense of reconnection which is often restored when back in nature. Nature based experiences allow one to come back into balance & align with nature's rhythm. When the breath & the systems of the body slow down, true healing can begin. When we learn how to be quiet & experience silence, a deeper listening can occur.

     Most of us have a childhood memory of a favorite place in nature. Memories can be accessed to create your own nature experience if time and resources are limited. Or just step outside in the morning at dawn to greet your day & give blessings to the sun; walk barefoot in the grass or in a nearby park on your lunch break; bask in the light of the moon or stars to close your day. Nature meditations & ways of linking our minds to nature are always available to us, we just have to create space for them & remember our connection to the planet & all living things.

     So stay tuned for future events that will take us outside & back in touch with our inner wisdom. Upcoming activities include hiking, biking, outside yoga, camping & more! To find out about these events go to See you on the path somewhere!

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Gift of Life

     April is National Donate Life Month, a time to celebrate the generosity of those who have given the gift of life through donating organ, tissue, marrow or blood. I recently attended a Donor Appreciation Reception sponsored by the Georgetown Transplant Institute and Medstar to recognize the tremendous sacrifice people do all the time, sometimes anonymously, so that others may live and often without much fanfare. I had the opportunity to be a living donor last October for my sister, Susan. And as was said often that evening, "the process changes you". The Doctors involved shared their observations of being in the unique position as facilitators and witnesses to this modern day miracle. The surgery process now is so refined that the recovery process for the donors can happen quite quickly.  If you are planning to donate to someone but are not compatible you can be a part of  the paired kidney exchange program which connects you to other individuals in the same situation.

     Personally, I felt almost 100% within 2 weeks and one donor ran the Boston Marathon 8 1/2 weeks post surgery. The presenting physicians used the concept of donation as an example of how the world would be a better place if more of us made this type of sacrifice. They mentioned that 50% of donors are now living and that it almost seems easier to convince a live person to donate than to get folks to agree to give upon death. The act of giving is so powerful that it has a positive physiological effect on the giver. The most moving part of the evening was hearing from the donors and their family members. The stories were full of so much gratitude for restoring the health of a loved ones life or granting an individual a new lease on life without dialysis or constant pain & feeling unwell. One recipient, a pastor, was so grateful to his donor that he convinced his city council to declare a day in her honor. He said that "God sends angels to deliver his blessings' to describe his experience. Families frequently make the donor an honorary member of their family.

     We have opportunities every day to give of ourselves. Maybe not all of us can be an organ donor for various reasons but there are many ways to give of yourself. Initially, just give some thought to being a donor. If you need more information contact your state donor registry. Your decision to donate could enhance or save up to 50 lives. For more information check out Most communities have volunteer opportunities as well. Go forth & give in some way. You will feel better. What are you waiting for?

Friday, March 25, 2011

On Retreat

Retreat, according to the Wikipedia dictionary, is "the act of pulling back or withdrawing, as from something dangerous, or unpleasant; the act of reversing direction and receding from a forward position; a peaceful quiet place affording privacy, or security; a period of retirement, seclusion or solitude; a period of meditation, prayer or study. " That is just what five women did recently on 27 acres near Harper's Ferry, West Virginia at Blue Mt Retreat Center. We took a break from noise, news, and our busy lives to experience nature, gentle yoga, meditation for women and nutritious food. We welcomed in the spring season with singing, dancing, massage and time in silence; and basked in the light of the 'Super Moon' that coincided with the Equinox. Senses were reengaged so that we could return to our lives more awake, aware and intentional.

Something alchemical happens when women gather together, share our stories and let the outer trappings fall away and begin to find our natural rhythm again. We all need to turn inward now and then to tune into what really feeds us and makes us happy. These items will change from season to season and with the phases of our lives. Only when we become silent will we hear the deeper vibration and 'The Call' that is our life's true purpose. Joseph Campbell says, "You must have a room or a certain hour of the day or so where you do not know what was in the morning paper.... a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are, and what you might be...." So what can you do this Spring for inner and outer housecleaning, to awaken what has been dormant over the winter (or a lifetime), to bring to the light and give birth to, to do the thing that only you have been born to do?

Many retreat centers and spas exist today offering a wide array of selections to pamper oneself and check out of the world for a while for a day, a week, or longer. Even with limited time & resources retreats can be done easily and in your own home. A daily breath practice tagged onto the beginning or end of the day is a great place to begin. Deep, slow, even  breaths calm the nervous system, brings fresh blood and oxygen to the body and creates opportunities for increased self awareness (mini pauses). Many teachers say you will feel better with just a daily mindful breath practice. Retreats can be found easily through or Locally there are numerous selections to choose from as well. A great resource for doing a retreat at home is Bliss In A Box by Susan River. This kit includes numerous offerings of yoga sequences, nutrition guidelines, meditation suggestions along with additional resources. Spring is the perfect time for inner and outer housecleaning. So what are you waiting for? Start your next retreat today!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Follow The Wave

 Sitting in front of the gulf coast the other day with my husband when he suggested we try and follow a wave. Easier than it sounds. Frustration came quickly when I could not accomplish this seemingly simple request. Fortunately, picking a wave to follow, watching it continuously disappear and merge with other waves eventually became just watching the waves and a calmness began to wash over me. I began comparing this to a meditation practice and how it is so easy to get got up in accomplishing vs. just being no matter what arises. Nature is always offering lessons on life & how to be present. And it is the practices that ultimately lead to awareness.  What are your daily practices that cultivate being in the present moment?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Earth Rhythms

     Today is Candlemas Day, the halfway point between the winter & spring solstices. Our ancestors have honored  certain days of the year for thousands of years as markers of their spiritual participation in the great web of life. These are important dates and reminders of our connection to the earth. "These solar-earth cycles determine the dates  of most of our seasonal celebrations, religious and secular, and remind us again that the earthly and the spiritual share a common rhythm",  from Earth Prayers by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon, 1991.
     So light some candles today in honor of the returning light and the potential in each of us yet to be realized.  Begin to pay more attention to the rhythms and cycles of nature as a way to honor the Earth and remember our place in the circle of things. Additionally, creating a local Earth calendar with dates and seasonal events particular to your area or region is a great activity. This calendar can include natural & cultural events unique to your community; animal & bird migration patterns or even honoring birthdays of prominent people who have helped to preserve the environment or made an impact locally. Pick up a copy of Earth Prayers for more ideas and find your own earth rhythm.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Fresh Start

   "And now let us welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never been."  - Rainer Maria Rilke

Another January. A clean canvas. A year of endless possibilities. Tired of the same old resolutions? Why not try a new approach. First, clearly define what you want or desire to manifest in your life. Imagine these longings as seeds. Create an intention or positive statement that includes your wish. It has been said that "where the intention goes, the energy flows". Ask for what you want. Be specific and use positive language.
     Second,  begin creating space in your life for the seeds of your desires to be planted. It is difficult to move into this new year cycle without putting some closure on the past year. Reflect on anything that is still unfinished and needs completion. How can we invite anything new in if there is no room? Physically, create some sacred space in your home that allows time to pause, dream & nurture your desires. Seeds can not grow without tilling the soil first, nourishment and space. Carve out time in your day for stillness and non doing even if it is just 5 minutes.
     Thirdly, connect with like minded folks who can support you in your efforts. Research shows that it takes 21 days of doing a desired behavior for the brain to wrap itself around the idea. Yoga Journal Magazine is offering a 21 Day Yoga Challenge to jump start this process. You can join simply by going to and signing up. You will receive daily support, yoga suggestions and can share your experiences with others. There are many daily supports available now via phone applications or email such as The Daily Om. Start seeking and find your own way to what it is you truly want!